Name Ext. inf. A* Use of Part number
wiring harness for interior
aerial cable
for models with radio remote
control central locking system
F >> 6X-Y-000 500*
wiring harness for interior

F >> 6X-Y-000 500*
also use:

(passenger side)
** see current flow diagram *

4D0 972 571
000 979 010 A

4D0 972 571
000 979 010 A

(1) wiring harness for interior
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BT
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CA
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CB
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CC
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CD
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CE
(1) wiring harness for interior
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CR
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 CS
(1) wiring harness for interior
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AR
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 AS
(1) wiring harness for interior
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BF
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BG
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BH
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BJ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BK
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petr. engine
1 petr. engine 6X1 971 140 BL
(1) wiring harness for interior
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FT
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GA
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GB
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GC
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GD
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GE
(1) wiring harness for interior
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GR
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 GS
(1) wiring harness for interior
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 EM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 EN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 EP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 EQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 ER
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 ES
(1) wiring harness for interior
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FF
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FG
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FH
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FJ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FK
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
for day driving headlights
petrol eng.+
1 petrol eng.+
6X1 971 140 FL
(1) wiring harness for interior
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JS
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 JR
(1) wiring harness for interior
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KF
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KG
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KH
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KJ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KK
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
sliding/folding sunroof
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KL
(1) wiring harness for interior
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 KT
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LA
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LB
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LC
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LD
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LE
(1) wiring harness for interior
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LM
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LN
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LP
(1) wiring harness for interior
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LQ
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LR
(1) wiring harness for interior
for models with
side airbag
for electric windows
and central locking system
for day driving headlights
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 6X1 971 140 LS
(1) aerial cable
for models with radio remote
control central locking system
1 6X0 971 650
individual parts
* corrug. tubes, t-pieces,
* clips, holders, grommets,
* cable ties, insulating
* hose, wiring,
* single wires and seals
* see special catalogue:
* electrical
* connecting elements
9 flat contact housing
4 191 906 231 A
10 flat contact housing
sender for
fuel gauge
fuel injec.
1 fuel injec.
1J0 919 231
(10) flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
sender for
fuel gauge
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 1J0 973 722
(11) flat contact housing
cigarette lighter
1 1J0 972 772
12 thermal fuse
20A 1 443 937 105
(15) fuse holder
1 6X0 937 495 A
15 bracket for thermo switch
1 191 937 501
16 relay plate
central electrics
1 6X0 937 403 A
(16) relay plate
central electrics
1 6X0 937 503
(16) flat contact housing mounting
coupling element
harness for engine compartment
1 6K0 941 379
17 potential distributor
1 6K0 937 517
(17) cover
potential distributor
1 6K0 973 374
19 relay plate
1 7M0 937 527
(19) relay plate
1 4B0 937 527
(19) relay plate
1 443 937 527
20 flat contact housing mounting
2 6X0 937 545 C
21 fuse holder
1 6X0 937 617 D
(24) flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
heater element-seat
2 1J0 937 713
(24) flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
heater element-seat
2 1J0 937 714
24 flat connector housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
wiring set for three-phase
harness for engine compartment


1J0 937 743
25 flat connector housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
wiring harness for
automatic gearbox
also to be used for:
1 1J0 937 743 A
26 flat connector housing with
contact locking mechanism
also to be used for:

wiring set for engine
wiring harness for electric


1J0 937 743 B
27 flat connector housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
wiring harness for engine
compartment and lighting
1 1J0 937 743 D
32 flat contact housing
ignition/starter switch
1 357 953 631
33 flat contact housing
steering col. combi switch
1 1H0 953 633
34 flat contact housing
wiper and washer system for
rear window
1 1H0 953 633 A
35 flat contact housing
switch for wipers/wash-wipe
1 1H0 953 635
35 flat contact housing
control unit for wiper/washing
automatic intervals
1 1H0 953 635
36 flat contact housing
for dipped beam
1 1H0 953 637
38 corrugated pipe
6X0,75X10000MM 1 1J0 955 751 D
(39) flat contact housing
switch for fabric sliding roof
to use for:
to use for:

6X0 959 727 B
6X0 959 727 C

6X0 959 727 B
6X0 959 727 C
2 6X0 972 623
40 flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
control unit for central
1 1J0 962 623
41 flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
control unit for central
1 1J0 962 624
42 cable holder
1 6N0 971 006
(43) cable tie with holder
for weld pin:
1 3D0 971 838 A
(43) cable tie with holder
for weld pin:
1 1J0 971 838 A
44 cable guide
2 6N0 971 615 Q
45 cable guide
steering col. combi switch
1 6N0 971 615 AQ
(45) cable guide
wheel housing
for vehicles with electronic
stabilisation program -esp-
1 6N0 971 615 BJ
(45) cable guide
bracket for pedal cluster
1 6X2 971 615
(45) cable guide
bracket for pedal cluster
1 LUPO 3L TDI 6E1 971 615
46 cable tie with holder
for weld pin:
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 3D0 971 838 A
46 cable tie with holder
for weld pin:
diesel eng.
1 diesel eng. 1J0 971 838 A
47 flat contact housing
tail light
2 893 971 636
48 flat contact housing
heated rear window
1 357 971 837
(48) flat contact housing
heated rear window
to use for:

6X0 959 621 A

6X0 959 621 A
1 6X0 972 623
(48) flat connector housing
heated rear window
to use for:

6N0 959 621 B

6N0 959 621 B
1 8L0 971 972
(49) cable holder
floor assembly
X 6H0 971 005
(49) cable holder
floor assembly
X 6H0 971 005 A
(50) cable holder
for brake- and tail light
5 4B0 971 848
(50) clip
brake system
X anti-lock
brake system
6X0 971 848 A
53 cable holder
X 6X0 971 848 Q
54 grommet
wiring harness for
number plate light
1 1H0 971 913 C
(55) flat contact housing
switch for driving headlights
1 1J0 972 999
56 flat contact housing
for diagnostic plug
1 3A0 972 695
(56) mounting for diagnosis plug
1 6N0 972 559
57 flat contact housing
selector lever
1 1J0 972 704
(57) flat connector housing
glass sliding roof
to use for:

1J0 959 613 E

1J0 959 613 E
1 4B0 971 978
(58) flat contact housing
headlight range control
1 191 972 723
(58) flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
control unit for
1 3B0 972 724
59 flat connector housing
coupling element
harness for interior light
2 191 972 761
60 round connector housing with
contact locking mechanism
coupling element
roof wiring harness
1 1J0 972 761
61 flat contact housing
coupling element
harness for engine compartment
1 1J0 972 774
(61) flat contact housing
heater element-seat
1 6X0 972 926
(62) flat contact housing
emergency light switch
1 6X0 972 928
63 flat contact housing with
1 8L0 972 977 D
64 flat contact housing
control unit for
1 3A0 973 606
(65) flat contact housing with
1 1J0 973 117 D
65 flat contact housing
for hand brake control system
1 1H0 973 121 C
66 flat contact housing
coupling element
adapter cable loom
for rear lid
1 1J0 973 303
67 flat contact housing with
contact locking mechanism
licence plate light
1 6N0 973 702
68 flat contact housing
1 357 035 447
69 flat contact housing
1 357 035 447 A
70 see illustration:
71 see illustration:
72 cable ties
3,6X246 X N 020 902 2
(72) cable ties
4,6X200 X N 906 661 01
* In the column 'A' indicates the number that is used in the selected vehicle.
To find out where to buy the item or equivalent, click on the part number.